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Why Church as We Know It Is Over! 


​Final Reformation Seminars are a call from God to bring us all back to His original vision for the Body of Christ and to take the lid off the deception running rampant in the modern church. The mainstream churches (nearly all with different names), appear to have it all together, have good intentions, and in many cases bear fruit, but they don't look anything like the early church described in the New Testament.

Now is the time for us to discover how it is God's perfect will and the world's greatest need for Jesus' church to be re-formed in His name, in complete accordance with the biblical pattern of unity


This website is an introduction to something far greater than you've possibly ever imagined. What we are introducing here today is something we believe is high priority in God's Kingdom agenda. In addition, it could possibly include your personal foreordained purpose, in a way that is greater than you have ever imagined! 



What you are reading here is an introduction to something of eternal significance. It involves those God is calling to take their place as members of Jesus' Glorious Church, built by Him... Ephesians 5:27.


Jesus' church will be a company of transformed people who are about to emerge across the earth... ONE, true, Body of Christ, in every locality.


Together, by God's grace, we will be history makers, just like those who made up the early church described in the Book of Acts! Acts 4:32-35; 17:6. (Please read).


The church Jesus said He would build is ONE; it's the one the gates of Hades are unable to withstand. It must be formed and Jesus will form it! He said: "...I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."(Matthew 16:18) "That they may be one, as you Father, are in me, and I am in you, that they may be one in us, that the world may believe that you sent me" John 17:21.

This is a new day and a new way! â€‹â€‹Were you born for such a time as this? Read Esther 4:14.



​The effects of being deluded can be catastrophic. Since the first Christian Reformation led by Martin Luther and others in 1517, the protestant churches have managed to divide into an estimated 240,000 separate denominations, independent churches and ministries, mostly with different "brand names." Like the Tower of Babel builders mentioned in Genesis, most are working hard in order to "make a name for themselves and their church." Read Genesis 11:4.


In particular, this worldly spirit of competition has developed amongst the larger churches. Large theater-style auditoriums, low house lights so the auditorium is dark, loud music, a lighting show that is just like worldly, secular concerts, all designed to attract people to their particular church, using worldly marketing wisdom.

The underlying belief is that by keeping their people mesmerized and entertained and busy, their church will grow.  


None of the above bears any resemblance to the powerful, Holy Spirit anointed church described in the New Testament. It's the church Jesus intends to have in these last days!


Frankly, Christian division with all the different church brand names is an anathema! It's the reason approximately 6.8 billion people out of the world’s population of 7.8 billion are not “born again” Christians... they must be asking themselves, "Which church is the right one?"


We, claiming to be Christians, have become deluded. Our disunity is shameful, and it is the reason why the vast majority of the world’s people cannot believe in Jesus. As a result, they are on their way to a “Christ-less” eternity!

Please read John 17:21-23.



God level truth manifested in the early church. They were ordinary, everyday people supernaturally transformed from the old, powerless religion of their day. They were fully committed to be one with God and each other. It was said of them, “they were of one accord, had one heart and one mind and had all things in common, and, these who have turned the world upside down have come here too.”

Acts 1:14; 4:32; 17:6. They had the same level Holy Spirit power operating in and through them, as Jesus did.


At the Seminar, we will discuss why the time has come for us all to yield fully to Jesus’ rule and reign, allowing Him to build His singular church from the bottom up. This final reformation will take place in those who have ears to hear and who are listening to what the Lord is saying at this end of the age. Revelation 2:7,17; 2:29; 3:6,13,27.



The seminars are the result of a mandate given by God for Jesus' church to be formed into something greater in these last days. Jesus' church is people, not another man- devised, incorporated organization. The glorious church Jesus intends to have is one, united, hell-withstanding church made up of people in every locality on earth. Now is the time for the new and living way to manifest in us  like it did in the beginning! Hebrews 10:20.


By our coming together with one heart and one mind, we  can expect the Holy Spirit to be poured out just as it was on the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago! Acts1:8.

Much more and how Jesus' Church will function will be discussed at the seminar.                                                                                                              ​  



Perfect oneness so the world can believe!


"I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word;  that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me."

John 17:20-23 NKJV




Rediscovering the Essence of the Christian Church

A book by David Drew 



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David Drew


David Drew, PO Box 950 Mandurah 6210 WA Australia.

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© 2024. We are non-denominational, everyday people reaching out to everyday people concerning Jesus'

intention for His glorious last day's Church.


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